Let me introduce myself!
My name is WKD vodka red.
I know my second name sounds quite alcoholic
My name is WKD vodka red.
I know my second name sounds quite alcoholic
and I can asure you that I am.
Due to dyes, and as my last name suggests
I am attractive blushy red
because it makes people associate me with
love,passion and red fruit
You will mostly find me in a bottle,waiting to be consumed at parties
You will mostly find me in a bottle,waiting to be consumed at parties
by drunk teenagers,probably combined with sex,drugs and agression
In spite of the fact that my effect on people
In spite of the fact that my effect on people
is often a very pleasant one
the experience for me is mostly not:
ending up in a stomach with other unidentified objects and fluids
shaking around,and in the worst case
coming out again,ending up on the floor
it's like a vacation all-in
and all-out again.
But what brings a drink like me
in a place like this?
Well,I felt like sharing with you
this completely new experience I had
a sensation I haven't felt in my whole life
but suddenly,unexpected
I fell out of a glass
I saw my life flashing in front of my eyes
it would have been the end
if there wasn't a girl,who just fell down
to save my life
and she broke my fall.
Mixed feelings, even romance
and then...she washed me out of her skirt
with red,blushy cheeks like mine
and now I wanna thank her
from the bottom of my bottle
for saving my life.
Joke,you're the greatest.
Grandioos op je bek gaan achter de toog van rgr en daarbij nog eens een volledig glas vodka over je kleren krijgen,het kan niet veel beschamender...but always look on the bright side: I saved a tasty drink from ending up on a dirty floor...
als dat geen daad van barmhartigheid is.
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